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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Akshay and Twinkle get anniversary wishes

A platinum jubilee couple wished Akshay Kumar and Twinkle on their shaadi ki saalgirah

On the morning of his ninth wedding anniversary (January 17), Akshay Kumar was out supporting the Mumbai marathon, and he received a unique 'gift' from an old couple who belong to Harmony, a group of senior citizens supported by Tina Ambani.

Your 9th, my 78thReveals an eyewitness, "A senior couple (in their nineties) came up on the stage where he was standing with Mrs Ambani and told him they had heard that it was his ninth wedding anniversary. When Akki confirmed it, the man (95) revealed that it was also their wedding anniversary (their 78th) and they wanted to wish him."

Superfit for his age!Akshay was particularly impressed with the old gentleman because he is superfit at his age and runs for 10 km every day. It was the highlight of the day for the starry couple when the couple blessed Akshay and said they wished he and Tina celebrate as many years of togetherness as them.

The actor became so emotionally so overwhelmed on stage that he told the audience, 'I actually came to encourage.... On the contrary, I am learning something. I just met a man in his nineties and he and his wife are in their 78th year of married life. There are so many things to learn from their lives."

"It was the best anniversary gift of my life!' Khiladi Kumar announced on stage.

(Mid Day)

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